Thermal resistance [K/mW]:

Dr. Nikita V. Muravyev, Version 01.07.20

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Purity analysis

$$ \Large { T_{fus} = T_{0} - \frac{RT_{0}^2 }{\Delta H_{fus}} x_{2} \frac{1}{F} } $$


1. R. Blaine and C. Schoff, eds., Purity Determinations by Thermal Methods. (ASTM International, 1984),

Dr. Nikita V. Muravyev, Version 01.07.20

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/ Instructions /

1. Load the DSC data of melting of the target substance. The input file should contain the temperature, time, and heat flow data ( here is an example ).

2. Define the number of columns with signals, other file details, and press "Start" button. Select the interested region (skip lines at the beginning and the end if needed), tune the baseline and other details.

3. If the experiment is for the standard sample (e.g., indium), get the thermal resistance to use for the target substance. If it is already the target sample, specify the thermal resistance, select the "Purity analysis" task and go to the "Purity" tab.

4. Define the molar mass of the substance and the area range that is used for calculation. Note, that the method has a certain limitations concerning the nature of impurities (see relevant literature) and has to be applied for >95 (preferably >98.5) mol.% pure samples. Moreover, check the correction parameters in the results, it should be less than 15%, otherwise the Vant-Hoff equation fails to describe the process and the results are not reliable.

5. Do thermal analysis with pure samples regularly)

Dr. Nikita V. Muravyev, Version 01.07.20

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